Daniel Dreams Big | He reopen his blog, and this is a BRAND NEW blog!!!

Reopen his Blog, Dream Big

Posted by Daniel on November 13, 2024

Previously, I use blog system provided by third-party companies, that brings a log of restrictions. Platforms like CSDN also seem not friendly if I wish to publish any high-quality content, as blogger is not friendly for Mainland Chinese users. In 2022, he tried build a blog through Github Pages with domain hengrui.tech, gradually he register another one amysang.com for both him and his wife Amy.

However, Daniel dreams big. He also need a personal one, show some information that individual and unique. That’s Daniel’s new blog, with an exciting name.

He may turn to make notes, write short stories, or any other. You can also find this blog being multi-language, 这里也有一些华语内容, as English is the major language in this blog.


Adapters, Chargers 适配器和充电器

譬如啦,Daniel有些时候开始研究充电器,他对酷态科充电器爱不释手。(充电器,充电宝什么的当然是越多越好(划掉))他并不会直接下单,对比参数,看测评,他现在也关心起了不同充电器的滤波纹波性能。一些仅在中国、新加坡等地销售的产品,那么必然会用中文。Daniel also cares about weather a product can work properly aboard, such as the 67W 2C1A charger only works with high voltage(200-240V). 那么这个充电器带去美国会非常的糟糕。


就比如Daniel观望的CukTech 120W充电器来说,他的充电功率(瞬时最高输出)120W,但是持续输出是80W+,或者碰到温度墙会更低。于是他在观望,譬如未来使用的笔记本电脑是否会采用100W PD输出,这都会影响他的选择。但是就波纹来说,这款充电器的最大波纹只有20mV,也是非常值得推荐的。此外,多设备重新协商功率不需要断开连接即可重新握手,也是非常优质的一点。

Python Developmental Engineer? or Data Analyst? 种bug还是画大饼

Daniel was initially graduated with BSc in Statistics, and resigned his intern work as a Python Developmental Engineer, but he still loves computer programing.

He actually has talent dealing with cross-discpline issues. So either developmental or analytical job is fine.


Technical Analysis, Line Drawing is also cool 技术分析又不是不能用

Daniel has little professional but practical knowledge about finance, he just care about whether the price of a share can rise, whether any index worth invest. 基本面分析解决不了短线涨跌预测,技术分析缺少理论依据,但是又不是不能用。

BOLL seems to be statistically reliable cause it utlize moving average and stand deviation. 你还真别说,这个指标很管用,就是有时候上涨下跌趋势中他会沿着上下轨道走。